Release Announcement – PerkinElmer Signals Screening 2.4.1

May 05, 2020

PerkinElmer Informatics is delighted to announce the release of PerkinElmer Signals Screening 2.4.1. PerkinElmer Signals Screening makes assay data processing easy and leverages the best-in-class data visualization and analysis platform TIBCO Spotfire to do so. With Signals Screening, the scientist can use out-of-the-box, step-by-step protocols to process standard data or build their own custom data processing pipelines quickly and easily.

What’s more Signals Screening is built to enable the data processing pipeline to be built in parallel to the assay protocol to greatly simplify the transition from assay develop to assay production, and can scale up to 100,000’s of curves fit per minute.

PerkinElmer Signals Screening is built on top of the leading analytical platform TIBCO Spotfire and includes tried-and-true PerkinElmer Spotfire addins like High-content Profiler and SciStream.

New in 2.4.1:

* Expanded Curve Fitting flexibility - Signals Screening 2.4.1 includes an overhaul of the core curve fitting engine and algorithm to expand its capabilities, increase its accuracy, and provide more facilities for curve QA/QC control.

* Normalization App Enhancements – this new take on the data normalization workflow utilize the Calculations Explorer as its core engine, such that the calculations are consistently using a single calculation methodology and can be extended without any changes to the core product.

* Adding plate specific details through the Editable Data Grid – New capabilities for directly joining and editing compound IDs and other ad hoc annotations to the data being analyzed.

* Historical (batch equivalent) data for data trend review - Scientists can now pull all historical results for equivalent compounds or compound batches into their current Signals Screening workflow. This feature enables scientists to confirm consistency with historical trends before publishing new data.

* Publish to SLD as an App - Signals Screening 2.4.1 includes and utilizes the new SLD Publication App, such that a fully configured publication configuration can be saved as part of a Protocol.

Signals Screening is available through the PerkinElmer Operations Download Center. If you do not have access to the Download Center, contact PerkinElmer Support to assist you with sign-up. Please contact your Account Manager if you are interested in licensing Signals Screening.

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