ChemBioOffice Enterprise 12.1.5 Patch

January 11, 2013

This CBOE 12.1.5 patch is a maintenance cumulative rollup patch, which provides significant enhancements, as well as solutions for software defects reported for E-Notebook Core, Group Security, Sample Management, Formulation, CombiChemv2, Sign and Close, Reagent Selector, Send2E-Notebook, SDM, Simple E-Signature, External & In-Document Signature, and RDLIMS. This patch updates apply to all CBOE 12.1 installations.

New in patch 12.1.5:

1. Internet Explorer 9.0 used for the patch qualification.
2. .NET 4.0 used for the patch qualification.
•    Editing tasks in the dashboard (analyst, manager, or requestor), specifically editing the expected date or the required date: if the date setting on the local client machine is different from the central database, it handles it carefully and maintains all types of date formats.
•    It is possible for an Analyst to post the result after performing Sign & Close the test results.
4. E-Notebook: A new Property Type, named PropertyType.DateOnly is added to ENotebook Configuration. This new property type is used to store date information alone, excluding the time and time zone. The time will be maintained as 00:00:00 and time zone will be stored as +0000.
5. EN-Help: The Additional Help configuration lets the E-Notebook administrator configure links to unlimited application reference (HELP) sources, both internal and external to the system, available via HTTP calls and as local references.
6. COE-ELN integration: This patch is qualified with COE12.5.1 having Inventory Group Security support.
7. New bug fixes.

ChemBioOffice Enterprise 12.1.5 Patch

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